After finish SPM until now,i from student become tuition teacher and later back become student again,haiz
My student one only,boy de la,if girl jiu hao le,hahaha.I teach bm n sej.Become a tuition teacher not an easy task as u think, wan 2 prepare many many thing n sometimes speak until no sound,earn money not easy i know already
My student go 2 my house tuition de,Tuesday at old house n Saturday at new house
Teaching not an easy task but when u see ur student gt some improvement,u will happy than u yourself score A in examination,hahahaha
After Zheng Hang go 2 Sydney,i spend less n less time play badminton le,really sad n can feel the difference,haiz
Long time no hear news about Lee Chong Wei,haha today newspaper say tat he now at Guangzhou n prepare 2 take part in Sudraman Cup.I hope he can help Malaysia win Sudraman Cup,but lucky not same group with China n Indonesia.Hopefully can see Lee Chong Wei beat Lin Dan one more time
Group A-Denmark,Malaysia,Korea,and Hong Kong
Group B-China,England,Japan,and Indonesia
Recently,猪流感爆发了.In Mexico,81ppl died and whole world gt 4000 ppl affected by tis diseases.
Tis diseases like SARS n spread through air n direct contact.Tis diseases spread from Mexico.Really dangerous de tis diseases